
Start your Data Driven Transformation

Fujitsu COD automates chromatography sample analysis through an AI assistant trained on extensive data, categorizing traces as detected or not, and quantifying them when integrated with a laboratory ERP platform, it seamlessly integrates data analytics into daily operations. Resulting in an accelerated sample processing, error reduction, user friendly interface, and an adaptable, integrated approach that facilitates laboratory digital transformation.

The benefits:

Automation of chromatography sample analysis and reporting – approximately a 50% improvement in reporting efficiency is within reach.


A faster detection and processing speed – Up to 5 times quicker.


An integrated AI assistant for "detect" or "not detect" decisions.


A vendor-independent solution, meaning it connects devices from various brands across a single platform for substantial benefits.


Reduction of effective time spent by laboratory operators.


Smooth integration with the lab's ERP environment to swiftly transfer analysis results to business operations.

Get in contact

If you are interested to know more about this solution or our other AI solutions, please don't hesitate to fill out the form. We will contact you shortly after that to make an appointment at the date and time that suits you best.

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